Today’s Sorting Hat is a two-section summary of all news articles collected this day relevant to the standard in Why Nations Fail. The first section presents the summary of scoring articles by the Why Nations Fail standard. The second provides PDFs of each category providing the evidence, WITH HYPERLINKS, so readers can get details as desired.

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Sorting Hat now offers 2024 election news, a comprehensive collection of political news far-exceeding most other news outlets. To see the consolidated list simply click the button below.

24-09-16 2024 Election News.pdf

Weigh in with your estimate of how far along Leftists are in implementing Saul Alinsky's 8 levels of controls (in his book Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals) to transform a nation THROUGH socialism INTO communism: healthcare, poverty, debt, gun control, welfare, education, religion and class warfare. Sorting Hat added Environmental.

For all of Today's News please click the "Download" link below.
24-09-15 Sorting_Hat_News_of_the_Day.pdf

For all of Today's News please click the "Download" link below.
24-09-14 Sorting_Hat_News_of_the_Day.pdf

Section 1: Score Card

Lifetime (7/21/2023 to Present) Average WNF articles: 67%

Lifetime (7/21/2023 to Present) Average Political articles: 65%

Lifetime (7/21/2023 to Present) Inclusive Average: 6.14%

Lifetime (7/21/2023 to Present) Inclusive Averages: 

Political: 4.85%

Economic: 1.29%

Section 2: Reports

Political INCLUSIVE articles

24-09-16 Political_INCLUSIVE.pdf

Political EXTRACTIVE articles

24-09-16 Political_EXTRACTIVE.pdf

Economic INCLUSIVE articles

24-09-16 Economic_INCLUSIVE.pdf

Economic EXTRACTIVE articles

24-09-16 Economic_EXTRACTIVE.pdf