24-09-16 Sorting_Hat_News_of_the_Day.pdf
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Today's News

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We pull articles worldwide from wire services, news aggregators, news organizations and prominent economic and political blogs.

Sorting Hat holds a strategic, holistic outlook on human activity to discern and pattern human nature. What this means is our news is organized very differently. We overcome the filtering/censoring capability of news editors by looking globally instead of nationally at issues and events from any news source. This also helps all of us overcome a universal bias of thinking the world evolves around us and our country.

For example, you can quickly see for an issue, such as sovereign debt, the problem is worldwide, not just an issue for us. In addition, since the news articles are aggregated by continent, simply counting articles by continent gives context of where it is and is not a current issue.

The articles below are collected throughout the day and posted simultaneously here en toto. Our objectives are different than traditional media: being first to report not only doesn't apply, in many cases it's detrimental to the truth because of incomplete or inaccurate information.

To see what this data eventually builds in terms of context and understanding, please go to respective paradigm of interest:

[Links to Why Nations Fail, Civilization Sequence and Sovereign Financial Stages.]

1. Duplicate articles are excluded unless material (significant) information is provided in the headline or article text.
2. Articles are collected from a set source list on a set schedule to standardize collection and avoid bias or preference.
3. News bias is roughly 60%/40%. In other words, approximately 60% of articles are from Right leaning sources and 40% from Left leaning.