How to Reconcile Our Country

Americans are at each other’s throats figuratively.

Given the intensity and volume of the discourse it may not be long before we’re literally at each other’s throats.

Daron Acemoglu and James A. Robinson, in their book Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty, define what makes countries healthy and successful, as well as toxic and failed.

To reconcile our country a majority of Americans must engage with political and economic institutions and people to demand inclusive policies and actions, as opposed to extractive policies. After all, our Founding Fathers told us this experiment (America’s constitutional republic) would not succeed without the continuous involvement of all Americans.

How can you help save our country?


Just ask those in your conversations about proposed policies or actions "is for the good of country or the good of the few?"

For example, if a person says a woman should be free to choose abortion, ask them if that's for the good of the country or the good of just the woman and father?

The deed's been done. The horse is out of the barn, or as it were, the fetus is in the womb.

What is best for society at this point?

The child needs support. Once grown the child will contribute to society. Both of these actions are inclusive for society.

If the parents don't want to raise the child that's fine; plenty of Americans are looking to adopt.

Killing an unborn human because two people demonstrated bad judgment (unprotected sex) is extractive to society politically and economically.


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